A Few Words

So here's the deal: So many people have internet diaries. They're into voyeurism. They like putting their lives up on the scratchboard for everyone to see and criticize and make fun of.

So maybe I'm a voyeur... but not that kind of voyeur.

It's much easier to sit here and code (the little I can) and express things visually and even lyrically (at some point) in front of a computer rather than linguistically. Why? Because people are shallow. Plain and simple. I'm also pretty damn shallow, but that doesn't mean that I want that negativity to be absorbed by anyone else in the form of sitting around and whining about my fucking problems for 14 hours.

I used to do it that way, especially when I was a little younger. People basically get sick of hearing you bitch after some time, so why do it unless you can be entertaining?

So I'm going to try and be as entertaining as humanly possible, and piss a lot of people off by being truthful at the same time. If I can either hide this expressionate forum or manage to dash off my deepest *ahem* thoughts without coming off like an insensitive asshole, then maybe I'm really not that big of a loser after all.

Back to the Beginning
On to the Merry-making!