blah blah blah blah

Spring is infesting my blood like horny goat weed infests those old guys that are losing their manhood. Yeah, bring the manhood back! Weather Viagra! Screw the snow! Rawr!

I am currently listening to Led Zeppelin and trying to muster up the strength to go to class. The class is analysis of music (Advanced Analysis, argh) and it makes me want to die. We have a test in there today on the Concerto forms and Variations. Grr. Does anyone wanna be me for a one hour period? You can take the test and the damn notes, and I'll milk a cow for you. Yeah.

Something that really pisses me off: People who have a four year degree in something like music, and still can't count rhythms. Four years of lessons where you know the teacher was going, "JESUS CHRIST IT'S A QUARTER NOTE! HOW HARD CAN IT BE!" Yet this person is so stupid they couldn't count a whole note, much less a syncopated eigth & sixteenth note-rest pattern.

What are we bitching about? You guessed it! Vocal majors! Because it's so damn hard to sing you have to act like a diva for four years, be unable to count, and then get that 40,000 dollar piece of paper for it! Yeah!

Those little bitches need to be forced to play another instrument (except the truly talented, non-bitchy vocal majors, like my lovely friend Elizabeth *HUGS*.)

Another sad thing about vocal majors (at least at this college) is that some of them are pretty stupid, but seem to think they're geniuses because they know how to do vibrato or some other important vocal major thing. Bleh. For instace, one of the diva extraordinaires must be like, 22 and had no idea what a harem was in a disuccion of Mozart operas for Music History class the other day.

Now you're a fucking senior in college, and you never learned what a harem is? Did the kinky sex talk escape you? Jesus. I'm sitting here thinking, 'does the girl know what *the* means?' Driving must really be a bitch when you're that stupid.

{end rant}.You'll be seeing a lot of this. I apologize.

Have a Great Day! *grin*



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