it's raining piety!
This wasn't a very good weekend.
Surrrre, it tried to start out successful like most weekends do. Danny pissed me off... he was in an extremely bad mood, but I managed to get him out of it. My mom cooked us dinner. I got a client, but Keen fucked me up so I kept missing her. Arrghh. No big deal.
But you couldn't let me alone, Mercury Retrograde! Could you? You had to keep fucking with me, didn't you?
To make a long story short so I can get some sleep and slam my face down on the concrete bed...
Missed a client three times. Mom got sick and had to go to the ER Saturday night, and I freaked out on Danny for not taking me up there to see her because I was having massive panic attacks. Yar yar yar. Yamma yamma yamma. How long is this mercury retrograde shit?
Everyone in my entire family has been bitching at me all weekend for one reason or another, and it's nearly cost me my damn sanity. But before I fully freak out and begin going insane, let me stop and say I got everything resolved with everyone, my mom is getting out of the hospital tomorrow, and I know now for at least a business week nobody's going to be bitching at me about (oops!) forgetting to take my five milligrams of Paxil a day.
And then today I got laid in a raucous way that I usually don't, and I (and my dear one) managed to hurt myself in that very torn, very-ripped the hell open way that leaves most females bow-legged and regretful. Yeah, and the guys always think they're cool after that happens. Fnord!
So, torn open and (excuse me) with the green apple splatters, I managed to make it back to Huntington ok, with no major problems. Funny how that stupid drive gets shorter and shorter, and wasn't bad at night at all. *sigh*.
Yep, Amber thinks. Everything is going so, sooo much better. And then all of a sudden, I dig in my bookbag I brought from home to take my nightly dose of birth control pills.
They weren't there.
In fact, they weren't anywhere. I looked everywhere I possibly could, and those fucking things were nowhere to be found. I'm all out of options. I'm going to miss them until Tuesday when I can get to the OB/GYN. If my mom sends them, they'll get here on Tuesday, at which point I'll have already missed two pills. Since I'm in the second week, I don't know if I can even do that or if it's even worth it. Unless I can get Danny to bring them to me (I more than likely won't have time to go and get them,) I'm pretty much reallly screwed. I might have to make the drive home. Arggh. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do. Arggh.
And *ranting* if I refuse to go and get them, I know for sure that I am going to be an absolute hormonal, bloody mess of mass proportions by Tuesday. A very unpleasant, weight-gaining, chocolate-eating, crying, screaming fucking mess. It's going to be horrible and awful and every other negative adjective you can think of.
Oh well. Enough bitching about it. I'll let you know what happens (I get concerned about the stupidest, most trivial shit.) As uncomfortable as estrogen withdrawal will be, hell, at least it'll only last a week. It's not... well, it can't be that bad.
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